Privacy Policy & Disclaimer

Privacy Policy & Disclaimer


[email protected] is the owner’s email address. 
This website uses Google Analytics, which utilizes the data obtained to track and analyze how this website is used, to generate reports on its activities, and to share them with other Google services.

Marketing Emails

We may send you promotional emails, which you can unsubscribe from by clicking the link at the bottom of the email. We share your contact information with our email marketing partner so that they can send these emails on our behalf.


The topics I write about are often light and enjoyable to read. 
Nothing on this site is intended to damage, incite hatred, or offend any group or individual.
By reading and accessing this website, you agree that you will utilize the information on this blog at your own risk because I do not claim to be a professional in any way.
Everything on this site is based on my own experience and research.
I am not liable for any injury that may result from the information on this blog.

Affiliate Links And Sponsored Products

I only recommend products that I would use myself, and all of the opinions are my own. In my reviews and recommendations, I will not be biased.
Some posts may contain affiliate links, and may earn me a little compensation.

Copyright Policy

I, Kathiana P, the owner of, am the legal owner of the content on this website, except for some pictures and other royalty-free resources available on this blog.
Unless otherwise specified, any reprinting or republishing will require my written permission.
Any stuff not created by me will be properly mentioned and credited. 
Any images I used that are not mine are credited to their proper owners.

Displaying ads

When you visit this website, third-party advertising businesses may deliver information and advertisements to you.
Cookies could be used. 
This website does not have any data access for advertising purposes.
Changes to this Privacy Statement
This privacy policy may be updated from time to time. It is your responsibility to stay on top of this.

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